Sep 25, 2019
Seis Manos marks the first major adult animation centered on a Latinx story, specifically a Mexican story. Set in 1970s Mexico, Seis Manos revolves around three orphans trained in Chinese martial arts, Isabela (Aislinn Derbez), Jesus (Jonny Cruz), and Silencio. When their mentor is killed, they join forces with an...
Sep 18, 2019
In honor of the long-awaited Borderlands 3, we're heading to Pandora and exploring the Borderlands franchise. From humor, cell animation, and millions of guns to the dynamic co-op play it brought to the RPG scene in the 2000s we talk about why the franchise matters. And for some reason we even talk a little about Fable....
Sep 11, 2019
With IT Chapter 2 in theaters, we decided to cover the King of Horror: Stephen King. With the help of Alex from, we dive into King's history in writing and how he's crafted stories that have landed at the most film and TV adapted author currently alive. We talk about his faults as a writer, his...
Sep 8, 2019
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is now on Netflix and building out Kim Henson's lore and world of Thra that began in in 1982. Now, the Dallas-based developer Bonus XP, who also brought us Stranger Things: The Game, and publisher En Masse Entertainment are bringing that world to consoles, PC, and Mac with The Dark...
Sep 6, 2019
Blair Witch, the new psychological horror game from Polish developer Bloober Team, came out last week and made a large horror splash both in the fandom and on the sixth floor of PAX West 2019. Set in the Blair Witch universe and lore, Bloober Team and Lionsgate's take on the world of the Blair Witch is detached...